Re-Spun changed everything at Marine Layer. For 9 years we tried our best to minimize our social and environmental impact, but we always wanted to do more. Once we began to understand the enormous footprint of the apparel industry, we knew we had to be part of the solution, not the problem.

Since then, it’s been a wild ride. You took up to it immediately, and in the first week we collected 5,000 shirts. Then we collected 20,000, then 50,000, and the waves of old tees continued to flood our customer service department. Now, almost a year into the program, we have collected more than 120,000 of your old shirts!

Here’s what that means from a sustainability standpoint: 30,000lbs of textile waste diverted from landfills and 270 million liters of water saved in manufacturing new tees. Add to that the avoided carbon cost of producing clothes from virgin materials, and now we’re starting to make a real impact.

As we approach a year into Re-Spun, we are continuing to expand and develop the line. That starts with Re-Spun fleece, our first shift away from tees and into outerwear. You told us you wanted more sustainable options, and we thought fleece was a natural progression as we move into colder months.

This is just the beginning. ReSpun is now a core part of who we are and it’s here to stay. Now you can feel better about buying Marine Layer, and we can feel better about making it.

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